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out url icon Recercat Diagnosis, assessment and optimisation of the design and operation of municipal MBRs Gabarrón Fernández, Sara
doc icon DUGiDocs 16 maig 2014 Diagnosis, assessment and optimisation of the design and operation of municipal MBRs Gabarrón Fernández, Sara
doc icon DUGiDocs 17 octubre 2014 Integrated operation of membrane bioreactors: simulation and experimental studies Dalmau Figueras, Montserrat
doc icon DUGiDocs 17 octubre 2014 Integrated operation of membrane bioreactors: simulation and experimental studies Dalmau Figueras, Montserrat
out url icon Recercat Integrated operation of membrane bioreactors: simulation and experimental studies Dalmau Figueras, Montserrat
out url icon Recercat The Pelosi-type versus the modified Misgav-Ladach: a randomized trial of two surgical techniques for cesarean section Soudo Ventura, António
out url icon Recercat The Pelosi-type versus the modified Misgav-Ladach: a randomized trial of two surgical techniques for cesarean section Soudo Ventura, António
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2014 The Pelosi-type versus the modified Misgav-Ladach: a randomized trial of two surgical techniques for cesarean section Soudo Ventura, António

